Results for 'Iria Grassini Márquez'

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  1.  16
    Pajón Leyra, Ignacio, La tinaja de cristal: cinismo, desnudez y transparencia, Madrid, Apeiron, 2020.Iria Grassini Márquez - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (2):543-544.
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    Questionnaire Measures and Physiological Correlates of Presence: A Systematic Review.Simone Grassini & Karin Laumann - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Use of Virtual Reality Alone Does Not Promote Training Performance.Simone Grassini, Karin Laumann & Martin Rasmussen Skogstad - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Are Modern Head-Mounted Displays Sexist? A Systematic Review on Gender Differences in HMD-Mediated Virtual Reality.Simone Grassini & Karin Laumann - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Persona e realtà: L’essere “super-stante “ nella realtà “sub-stante”.Bryan Jesus Irias Alfaro - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 47 (2):329-349.
    Il presente lavoro ha come obiettivo ragionare sul tema della realtà in sé rispetto al tema della persona umana. Detto obiettivo sarà esaminato dalla filosofia spagnola del ‘900, specialmente della filosofia metafisica di Xavier Zubiri, che tenendo presente il dibattito fenomenologico-esistenziale contemporaneo, tratta di attualizzare la relazione “sostanziale” tra la realtà come fondamento dell’essere, e la persona umana come realtà “super-stante” rispetto alla realtà soggettiva.
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  6. Tʻvitʻertʻis gaazrebis neoplatonuri perspekʻtivebi.Ana Kʻiria - 2021 - Tʻbilisi: Programa "Logosi".
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  7. El concepto de" tèchne" en perspectiva hermenéutica.Iria Lamas Pérez - 2006 - In Juan Carlos Couceiro-Bueno & Sergio Vences Fernández (eds.), Pensar en tiempos de oscuridad: homenaje al profesor Sergio Vences. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacions.
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    Al-Mušriq fī ḥulà l-Mašriq de Ibn Saʿīd al-Maġribī: un manuscrito por investigar.Iria Santás - 2022 - Al-Qantara 43 (2):e18.
    Hasta el momento, la obra más conocida e importante del prolífico autor andalusí Ibn Saʿīd al-Maġribī (m. 685/1286) era su antología al-Muġrib fī ḥulà l-Maġrib (Lo extraordinario acerca de las joyas del Occidente). Sin embargo, igual en importancia debió de ser su homóloga oriental, al-Mušriq fī ḥulà l-Mašriq (Lo extraordinario acerca de las joyas del Oriente), obra de la que, por el contrario, se conoce muy poco. El propósito de este artículo es dar a conocer esta obra de Ibn Saʿīd, (...)
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    Justo Márquez Muñoz Tebar. Un hombre imaginativo y de ideas originales.Álvaro B. Márquez Fernández - 2004 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 9 (27):103-107.
    This thesis is presented from a historical life history, the conscious world of an academic whose thoughts were not dogmatic nor censured, neither within or without the university. It was a dialogue with others who never hesitated to judge him as critical and heuristic. The only way to be authenti..
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    Comparing rhetorical structures in different languages: The influence of translation strategies.Mikel Iruskieta & Iria da Cunha - 2010 - Discourse Studies 12 (5):563-598.
    The study we report in this article addresses the results of comparing the rhetorical trees from two different languages carried out by two annotators starting from the Rhetorical Structure Theory. Furthermore, we investigate the methodology for a suitable evaluation, both quantitative and qualitative, of these trees. Our corpus contains abstracts of medical research articles written both in Spanish and Basque, and extracted from Gaceta Médica de Bilbao. The results demonstrate that almost half of the annotator disagreement is due to the (...)
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  11.  23
    Processing Sentences With Multiple Negations: Grammatical Structures That Are Perceived as Unacceptable.Iria de-Dios-Flores - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    This investigation draws from research on negative polarity item (NPI) illusions in order to explore a new and interesting instance of misalignment observed for grammatical sentences containing two negative markers. Previous research has shown that unlicensed NPIs can be perceived as acceptable when occurring soon after a structurally inaccessible negation (e.g. ever in *The bills that no senators voted for have ever become law). Here we examine the opposite configuration: grammatical sentences created by substituting the NPI ever with the negative (...)
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  12.  22
    Presencia y corporeidad en la antropología de Julián Marías.Bryan Jesús Irias Alfaro - 2023 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 40 (1):133-140.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el concepto de corporeidad desde la filosofía antropológica de Julián Marías, además de observar cómo dicho concepto esté relacionado en manera directa con la teoría de la circunstancia de José Ortega y Gasset. Este artículo pretende mostrar la novedad de una filosofía de la presencia como manifestación la estructura empírica de la vida humana. Para llevar adelante esta tesis el escrito está divido en dos partes: la primera da cuenta de la corporeidad en (...)
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    Impacto de género y pandemia en la Academia. Académicas más exhaustas y empobrecidas.Águeda Gómez Suárez & Iria Vázquez Silva - 2022 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 39:27-56.
    Esta comunicación examina cómo la pandemia de la COVID-19 ha impactado en la ya existente brecha de género en la trayectoria académica de las investigadoras y docentes de nuestras universidades. Para examinar dicho impacto, se realiza una revisión de varias investigaciones realizadas en España y en Portugal durante el periodo de confinamiento derivado de la pandemia. Los resultados recabados indican que durante el confinamiento creció la producción científica de los varones, y disminuyó la de las mujeres, entre otras diferencias relacionadas (...)
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  14. Privacy, Autonomy, and the Dissolution of Markets.Kiel Brennan-Marquez & Daniel Susser - 2022 - Knight First Amendment Institute.
    Throughout the 20th century, market capitalism was defended on parallel grounds. First, it promotes freedom by enabling individuals to exploit their own property and labor-power; second, it facilitates an efficient allocation and use of resources. Recently, however, both defenses have begun to unravel—as capitalism has moved into its “platform” phase. Today, the pursuit of allocative efficiency, bolstered by pervasive data surveillance, often undermines individual freedom rather than promoting it. And more fundamentally, the very idea that markets are necessary to achieve (...)
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  15. The Dialectical Construction of a Notion of Truth in Some 13th-Century Masters of Arts.Ana Maria Mora-Marquez - 2019 - Medioevo 44 (1):40-56.
  16.  37
    Hear Me Write: Does CEO Narcissism Affect Disclosure?Gilberto Marquez-Illescas, Allan A. Zebedee & Linying Zhou - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (2):401-417.
    Through earnings announcements, conference calls, and other press releases, corporate executives have an opportunity to frame the narrative of financial disclosures. Numerous studies have shown that textual tone significantly influences stock returns, suggesting that through word choice, upper management may impact market reaction. In this study, we examine the influence of CEO personality traits on corporate disclosures by analyzing the tone of earnings announcements for a sample of Fortune 500 CEOs over nearly two decades. Our hypotheses are twofold: that qualitative (...)
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  17. Thirteenth-Century Aristotelian Logic: The Study of Scientific Method.Ana Maria Mora-Marquez - 2021 - Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy 9:146-185.
  18.  37
    Introducción al debate: Monumentos en Latinoamérica: Entre la épica patria y la insurrección.Francisca Márquez - 2021 - Corpus.
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    Martinus Dacus and Boethius Dacus on the Signification of Terms and the Truth-Value of Assertions.Ana María Mora-Márquez - 2014 - Vivarium 52 (1-2):23-48.
    The article intends to show: a) that the modist Martin of Dacia sides with the traditional reading of the first chapter of Aristotle’s De interpretatione that we find in masters of arts from the first half of the thirteenth century; and b) that the modist Boethius of Dacia is one of the first thirteenth-century scholars to depart from this reading. In fact, Boethius presents us with an account of propositional verification where the terms’ signification is not operational and where the (...)
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  20. Abstraction and Intellection of Essences in the Latin Tradition.Ana Maria Mora-Marquez - 2022 - In Christina Thomsen Thörnqvist & Juhana Toivanen (eds.), Forms of Representation in the Aristotelian Tradition. Volume Two: Dreaming. Boston: BRILL. pp. 178-204.
  21.  21
    What are the ethical conflicts faced by Mexican internists?Octavio Márquez Mendoza, José de Jesús Garduño García, Marcela Veytia López, Jorge Rodríguez García, Rosalía García Peña & Benjamin Herreros - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (4):409-414.
    Background No studies have been conducted in Mexico to ascertain what ethical problems doctors working at hospitals deal with. This article aims to describe the ethical conflicts most commonly identified by Mexican internists and the importance they attribute to each of these conflicts. Methods Voluntary survey to the members of the Internal Medicine Association of Mexico. Results Responses were submitted by 347 internists. Half of those face ethical conflicts almost always or frequently. The most commonplace and relevant conflicts are those (...)
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  22.  21
    Ética y tragedia. El humanismo cívico de Sófocles: Ayax y Filoctetes.José Manuel Panea Márquez - 2018 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 45:15-37.
    Cómo pueden las emociones favorecer una sociedad democrática más justa y estable? En tal sentido, es necesario preguntarse por el papel que han de jugar las Humanidades, para dar viabilidad y continuidad a tal proyecto. El presente artículo se cen-tra en el análisis de dos tragedias de Sófocles, Áyax y Filoctetes. A través de sus obras, Sófocles propone una revisión crítica de la moral agonal del héroe. Es preciso desplazar la mirada desde el campo de batalla a la pólis. Por (...)
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    Un ámbito sin límite ni salvedad. La fenomenología como ciencia abierta y la recepción en Heidegger y Marion del "Principio de todos los principios".César Moreno-Marquez - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 5:239.
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  24.  17
    Actualidad y vigencia de Teoría de la Justicia de J. Rawls: a propósito de la perspectiva de M. C. Nussbaum.José Manuel Panea-Márquez - 2021 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 55:255-279.
    Se han cumplido cincuenta años desde la publicación de Teoría de la Justicia. Sin duda, la obra de J. Rawls marcó un hito fundamental en la historia del pensamiento político del siglo XX. Nuestro trabajo se pregunta hasta qué punto la justicia como imparcialidad sigue siendo una referencia fundamental en el pensamiento político actual. Para ello abordamos la propuesta de M.C. Nussbaum. Nos planteamos si el enfoque de las capacidades de Nussbaum es realmente una continuación o supone una verdadera ruptura (...)
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  25.  9
    Women essayists of the Hispanic Caribbean: Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. A state of the art.Consuelo Meza Márquez - 2021 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (27):57-81.
    En la historia intelectual de América Latina existe una laguna respecto a la producción de las mujeres en el género de ensayo. Son los ensayos de identidad criolla, de hechura masculina, los que construyen el canon respecto a las temáticas y a las maneras de ser abordado. Los ensayos de género que las escritoras han realizado se articulan como respuesta a esta visión dominante de los procesos sociales, políticos y culturales de los países latinoamericanos. Revelan un fuerte descontento con la (...)
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    Leviatã: o boato como elemento intersticial entre objeto e sujeito.Fercho Marquéz-Elul - 2019 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 1 (2):212-240.
    Este artigo se debruça sobre as relações entre palavra e objeto por meio do boato a partir da obra Leviatã: (vértebras de baleia tripartida em azul e vermelho) Modular/Tripartir de 2016. A partir da análise de obras e escritos de artistas como Maria Ivone dos Santos, Claudia Zimmer e Marcel Duchamp, que lidam com questões da ordem do nominal, do titular ou do textual em relação ao objeto artístico, discute-se aqui o papel que a palavra exerce de índice de indeterminação (...)
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    Randall COLLINS, {Interaction Ritual Chains}.Xavier Marquez - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Cette recension a déjà paru sur le blog Abandonedfootnotes. Nous remercions Xavier Marquez de nous avoir autorisé à la reproduire ici. I have previously encouraged people to read Randall Collins' work (his infrequently updated blog, The Sociological Eye, is typically excellent), but it is only recently that I tackled his book on interaction rituals. And despite its forbidding title, seemingly promising a work on some technical topic in the sociology of religion, this is a very good book that (...) - (...)
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  28.  35
    A Stranger's Knowledge: Statesmanship, Philosophy, and Law in Plato's Statesman: Statesmanship, Philosophy, and Law in Plato's Statesman.Xavier Márquez - 2012 - Parmenides Publishing.
    The _Statesman _is a difficult and puzzling Platonic dialogue. In _A Stranger's Knowledge_ Marquez argues that Plato abandons here the classic idea, prominent in the _Republic_, that the philosopher, _qua_ philosopher, is qualified to rule. Instead, the dialogue presents the statesman as _different _from the philosopher, the possessor of a specialist expertise that cannot be reduced to philosophy. The expertise is of how to make a city resilient against internal and external conflict in light of the imperfect sociality of human (...)
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  29.  16
    Contemporary Latin American Social and Political Thought: An Anthology.Iván Márquez (ed.) - 2008 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This anthology offers the first serious, broad-ranging collection of English translations of significant Latin American contributions to social and political thought spanning the last forty years. Iván Márquez has judiciously selected narratives of resistance and liberation; ground-breaking texts in Latin American fields of inquiry such as liberation theology, philosophy, pedagogy, and dependency theory; and important readings in guerrilla revolution, socialist utopia, and post–Cold War thought, especially in the realms of democracy and civil society, alternatives to neoliberalism, and nationalism in (...)
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  30.  44
    An Epistemic Argument for Conservatism.Xavier Marquez - 2016 - Res Publica 22 (4):405-422.
    ‘Epistemic’ arguments for conservatism typically claim that given the limits of human reason, we are better off accepting some particular social practice or institution rather than trying to consciously improve it. I critically examine and defend here one such argument, claiming that there are some domains of social life in which, given the limits of our knowledge and the complexity of the social world, we ought to defer to those institutions that have robustly endured in a wide variety of circumstances (...)
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    Theory and Practice in Plato’s Statesman.Xavier Márquez - 2007 - Ancient Philosophy 27 (1):31-53.
  32. Sismología política. Un apunte sobre Carl Schmitt.Jesús J. Silva-Herzog Márquez - 1996 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 4:149-155.
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    M. Foucault: poder, perspectiva y verdad en Edipo Rey de Sófocles.Jose Manuel Panea Márquez - 2020 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 80:139-153.
    Nos proponemos en este artículo analizar la lectura foucaultiana del Edipo Rey. Foucault se centra fundamentalmente en la relación entre saber y poder. Su lectura nos ofrece una interesante concepción simbólica de la verdad, cuyo desvelamiento seguiría las pautas de lo que Foucault llama “ley de las mitades”. El modo y los tiempos en que aparecen los diferentes fragmentos de la verdad, serán el centro de gravedad de su interpretación, esencialmente política. Proponemos, no obstante, ir un poco más allá de (...)
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  34. Abstraction and Intellection of Essences in the Latin Tradition.Ana Maria Mora-Marquez - 2022 - In Christina Thomsen Thörnqvist & Juhana Toivanen (eds.), Forms of Representation in the Aristotelian Tradition. Volume Two: Dreaming. Boston: BRILL. pp. 178-204.
    Medieval Integration Challenge for Intellection (MICI) in Albert the Great, Siger of Brabant, and Radulphus Brito.
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  35. Strange Loops: Apparent versus Actual Human Involvement in Automated Decision-Making.Kiel Brennan-Marquez, Karen Levy & Daniel Susser - 2019 - Berkeley Technology Law Journal 34 (3).
    The era of AI-based decision-making fast approaches, and anxiety is mounting about when, and why, we should keep “humans in the loop” (“HITL”). Thus far, commentary has focused primarily on two questions: whether, and when, keeping humans involved will improve the results of decision-making (making them safer or more accurate), and whether, and when, non-accuracy-related values—legitimacy, dignity, and so forth—are vindicated by the inclusion of humans in decision-making. Here, we take up a related but distinct question, which has eluded the (...)
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    Bidirectional Tracking Robust Controls for a DC/DC Buck Converter-DC Motor System.Eduardo Hernández-Márquez, José Rafael García-Sánchez, Ramón Silva-Ortigoza, Mayra Antonio-Cruz, Victor Manuel Hernández-Guzmán, Hind Taud & Mariana Marcelino-Aranda - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
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    El papel de las emociones en la esfera pública: la propuesta de M. C. Nussbaum.José Manuel Panea Márquez - 2018 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 22:111-131.
    ¿Cómo pueden las emociones favorecer una sociedad democrática más justa y estable? El propósito de este artículo es destacar la importancia de las emociones en el pensamiento de M. C. Nussbaum, y cómo pueden contribuir, en el contexto del liberalismo político, a reforzar y dar estabilidad a la democracia. Todo ello parece exigir, según Nussbaum, integrar el papel de las emociones en el proyecto educativo de la sociedad, para superar el modelo de justicia centrado en el beneficio mutuo, ampliándolo con (...)
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  38. Pragmatics in Peter John Olivi’s Account of Signification of Common Names.Ana María Mora-Márquez - 2011 - Vivarium 49 (1-3):150-164.
    The aim of this paper is to present a reconstruction of Olivi's account of signification of common names and to highlight certain intrusion of pragmatics into this account. The paper deals with the question of how certain facts, other than original imposition, may be relevant to determine the semantical content of an utterance, and not with the question of how we perform actions by means of utterances. The intrusion of pragmatics into Olivi's semantics we intend to point out may seem (...)
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  39. Singular Intellection in Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle’s De anima.Ana María Mora-Márquez - 2019 - Vivarium 57 (3-4):293-316.
    Discussions about singular cognition, and its linguistic counterpart, are by no means exclusive to contemporary philosophy. In fact, a strikingly similar discussion, to which several medieval texts bear witness, took place in the late Middle Ages. The aim of this article is to partly reconstruct this medieval discussion, as it took place in Parisian question-commentaries on Aristotle’s De anima, so as to show the progression from the rejection of singular intellection in Siger of Brabant to the descriptivist positions of John (...)
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    Dignidad, desarrollo y capacidades: desafíos del cosmopolitismo de ayer y de hoy en la filosofía política de Martha C. Nussbaum.José Manuel Panea Márquez - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (55).
    El cosmopolitismo es uno de los elementos fundamentales de la concepción de la justicia defendida por M.C. Nussbaum. Esta sería una de las tesis esenciales del presente ensayo. El enfoque de las capacidades (EC) defendido por ella pretende ser una alternativa a las modernas teorías del contrato. Para Nussbaum, dignidad, capacidades humanas y recursos materiales son indesligables. Del mismo modo, la perspectiva cosmopolita es una exigencia inexcusable en la teoría de la justicia de Nussbaum. En este artículo tratamos de rastrear (...)
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    (1 other version)El cristianismo de F. M. Dostoievski y su correspondencia con la experiencia del amor en Ignacio de Loyola.Manuel Díaz Márquez - 2017 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 73 (276):673.
    Este artículo va a estar centrado en una cuestión fundamental: ¿pueden compararse las visiones éticas de Dostoievski e Ignacio de Loyola? Haciendo una revisión pormenorizada de las bases existenciales dostoievskianas, podremos comprobar cómo la vida de Ignacio de Loyola parece coincidir con la hoja de ruta que, más tarde, elaboraría Dostoievski en sus obras en busca de una plenitud humana. El hombre pleno propuesto por el autor ruso es un reflejo del San Ignacio que conocemos por su Autobiografía, un personaje (...)
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    Una suerte de calma hechizada. Praxis de extrañamiento y trascendencia poética (Paseando por el Rastro con Gómez de la Serna).César Moreno-Márquez - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 21 (3).
    El presente artículo se propone indagar en la praxis de extrañamiento que lleva acabo Gómez de la Serna en El Rastro (1914), praxis que será esencial de cara a comprender uno de los vectores fundamentales de la (ulterior) objetología surrealista. Dicha praxis comprende al menos ocho prácticas o posibilidades de deshacer que afectan al Límite (que discrimina y jerarquiza), al Futuro (ingenuo y dictatorial), a la familiaridad hogareña burguesa (que encarcela y amodorra), a la funcionalidad utilitaria (que banaliza), a la (...)
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  43. Generation Z Within the Workforce and in the Workplace: A Bibliometric Analysis.María Dolores Benítez-Márquez, Eva María Sánchez-Teba, Guillermo Bermúdez-González & Emma Sofía Núñez-Rydman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This article aims to improve the knowledge on Generation Z as employees within workforce and in the workplace, as well as on the main thematic trends that drive the research on the topic. To this end, and using bibliometric techniques, a sample of 102 publications on this subject from Web of Science between 2009 and 2020 is analyzed. Research discusses the most published and most cited authors and journals to have a broad view of the context of the subject. Later, (...)
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    Márgenes silentes. Palabra excedida y silencio inspirado (Hofmannsthal/Blanchot).César Moreno-Márquez - 2016 - Quaderns de Filosofia 3 (1):27-49.
    Against attempts to vacate silence of the possibility of expression, and empty the expression of its own silence, this article proposes as a task for our contemporary world that we should be silence-trackers. This task is not easy, since the decisive silence cannot be heard, but it is treasured within the words and works as their last and most inspired truth. To that end, it is taken as a guide the famous Letter of Lord Chandos (Hofmannsthal), who claims his silence-in-transit (...)
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    Boethius of Dacia and Radulphus Brito on the Universal Sign ‘Every’.Ana María Mora-Márquez - 2015 - Logica Universalis 9 (2):193-211.
    In this article I present the analysis of the syncategorematic term ‘omnis’ in the commentaries on the Topics by the Parisian masters of Arts Boethius of Dacia and Radulphus Brito. I shall focus on the different relations between subject, predicate and particular instances that obtain in universally quantified statements, and in particular on the relations that obtain in universally quantified statements with an empty subject. I also attempt to highlight some continuities and ruptures with respect to this problem in its (...)
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    A comparison of time series lags and non-lags in Spanish electricity price forecasting using data science models.Belén Vega-Márquez, Javier Solís-García, Isabel A. Nepomuceno-Chamorro & Cristina Rubio-Escudero - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (6):1036-1047.
    Electricity is an indicator that shows the progress of a civilization; it is a product that has greatly changed the way we think about the world. Electricity price forecasting became a fundamental task in all countries due to the deregulation of the electricity market in the 1990s. This work examines the effectiveness of using multiple variables for price prediction given the large number of factors that could influence the price of the electricity market. The tests were carried out over four (...)
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    Lithbea, a New Domain Outside the Tree of Life.Jaime Gómez-Márquez - 2023 - Global Philosophy 33 (1):1-19.
    At this time when the development of synthetic biology and artificial intelligence are changing the world around us, philosophers and scientists, first of all, must converge to analyze the present and predict the ethical-social consequences and biological dangers associated with new “living entities” that are not the result of the natural evolutionary process. As synthetic/artificial life forms (xenobots, robots, transgenic organisms, etc.) become more and more abundant and sophisticated, it seems first of all necessary to bring some order to all (...)
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  48.  26
    Dificultades inherentes a la comprensión de la Historia.Desireé del Mar Avilés Márquez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-16.
    La comprensión lectora de las personas con discapacidad es una cuestión escasamente estudiada y a día de hoy esta línea de investigación no ha profundizado en la comprensión específica de textos especializados. Consecuentemente, a pesar de existir ciertos procedimientos para facilitar la comprensión, como la lectura fácil, no se han analizado las dificultades que presentan determinados textos para las personas con dificultad intelectual. Ejemplo de ello son los textos sobre Historia. En el presente artículo pretende detectar los principales problemas de (...)
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    Un approccio al fenomeno editoriale dell’almanacco di corte e la guida della città in Italia, Spagna e Portogallo nel Diciottesimo secolo.Claudia Lora-Márquez - 2023 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 75 (2):109-128.
    L’almanacco di corte e la guida della città – nota anche come «guida dei forestieri» – rappresentano due delle derivazioni più notevoli degli almanacchi europei del diciottesimo secolo per la loro varietà e consolidamento nel tempo. Questa ricerca si propone di indagare le origini europee di questo particolare segmento editoriale, ponendo l’accento sulle sue derivazioni nel contesto dell’Europa meridionale, in particolare in Spagna, Portogallo e negli stati italiani. L’obiettivo principale è quello di evidenziare le somiglianze tra la produzione spagnola, portoghese (...)
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  50.  24
    Entre la libertad de ser y hacer.Álvaro B. Márquez-Fernández - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 11:84-94.
    La Filosofía para Niños y Niñas de M. Lipman, promueve una praxis de la vida que considera la libertad como el auténtico proyecto de realización individual y social, que debe ser asumido desde la infancia. Propiciar una experiencia investigativa y dialógica que le permita a los niños y las niñas problematizar filosóficamente la realidad, es decir, indagar acerca del sentido de cualquier acción, acto, praxis tiene su punto de origen en un interrogar-se por la libertad como experiencia que hace posible (...)
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